🏅 HUSKY HL 300 RS 65/60 Injection Molding Machine Delivered to Chile VANTO MACHINES successfully managed the export of a HUSKY HL 300 RS 65/60 Injection Molding Machine (2001) id5502…
Category: HUSKY
HUSKY INDEX 90 PET RS80/80 PET preform injection molding machine (1999) id4880
A leading Spanish plastics manufacturer successfully sold their HUSKY INDEX 90 PET RS80/80 PET preforminjection molding machine (1999 model) to an Albanian company specializing in plastic packaging solutions. This high-capacity…
HUSKY HYLECTRIC H300 RS55/45 300t injection molding machine (2011) id4007
The HUSKY Hylectric H300 RS55/45 (2011), a near-new injection molding machine primarily used for testing, was successfully sold and transported from Spain to Portugal. Despite its limited use, VANTO MACHINES…